Your Chapter

NASW NH Chapter

Leaders. Advocates. Champions.

NASW seeks to advance professional knowledge in the field of social work, develop and enforce ethical standards, and promote social and legislative policies that improve conditions of life for all members of society.

As stated in the NASW Code of Ethics:
The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.

The New Hampshire Chapter is constituted to advance the purposes of the National Association of Social Workers in New Hampshire and is a basic administrative unit of the National Association of Social Workers, Inc. The New Hampshire Chapter program and structure is designed to encourage and facilitate participation by members. NASW NH strongly supports the core values of the social work profession including “service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence” (source: Code of Ethics).

Chapter responsibilities also include adherence to the bylaws of NASW, support of NH members’ practice and professional education needs, mobilization of members’ support for local, state, and national policy and practice initiatives, and maintenance of quality relationships between state and local organizations. The Chapter is dedicated to serving the needs of its individual members and groups of members. We strive to link identifiable collectives of members with special interests and needs; gather information about specialties; and deliver frontline services to meet our members’ diverse needs.

The New Hampshire NASW office is located in Concord, New Hampshire. The Chapter has several active Committees, which work on a range of issues, including clinical social work practice, legislative and political action, diversity awareness, children’s issues, and aging issues. Members are urged to join and participate in any of these committees.

Together we are a strong voice for our profession, our clients, and our communities.