Navigating the Weight Stigma and Bias in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
This presentation will assist attendees to implement more informed care for eating disorders including identifying eating disorder symptoms.
Eating disorders impact an estimated 1 in 20 people in the United States. Yet, most professionals and community members have not had the opportunity to learn how to manage common contributing factors and learn evidenced-based practices to best support clients in their eating disorder recovery.
This presentation will assist attendees to implement more informed care for eating disorders including identifying eating disorder symptoms, use of best practices, and identifying weight stigma and bias that perpetuate symptoms. Useful and practical resources will be offered.
Weight bias and weight stigma stem from environmental stimuli that include messages about shape, weight, size, appearance, and food. Attending to these stimuli is a critical component of eating disorder recovery and is also a critical component for clinicians to attend to personally, given the subtle and overt impacts of weight and food bias on both individuals with eating disorders and clinicians.
Attendees will gain valuable tools and insight into aspects of weight bias and stigma and how to identify and change biases in self and others, based on the literature in this area and what we know about how weight stigma and bias impact us individually, collectively, and in our work with clients and families.
Learning Objectives:
• Gain an understanding of eating disorder identification and evidenced-based treatments
• Describe the impact of cultural weight Bias on the development and treatment of eating disorders
• Identify 3 sources that drive weight bias in American Culture
• Describe the food and body neutrality and how they are useful in the treatment of eating disorders
• Begin to identify your own personal biases with regard to these ideas in order to better assist clients with eating disorders.
About the presenter:
Liz Dunn, LCSW is a specialist with extensive experience in treating Eating Disorders at various levels of care including Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient, and Outpatient Therapy. She is a Health at Every Size proponent and is passionate about working with people struggling with all forms of anxiety related to weight, shape, size, and eating. Liz enjoys working with patients on Body Image with a special interest in working with adults with Binge Eating Disorders. For more information and referrals please email
Register here: Navigating the Weight Stigma and Bias in the Treatment of Eating Disorders Tickets, Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite