Event date: 1/4/2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Export event
Josh Klapperick
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Boundary Crossings and Boundary Violations

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3 Clinical CEUs in Ethics approved by NASW VT #1112

NASW Vermont Chapter is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0683. This workshop meets the criteria for New York's professional boundaries CE requirements.

Social workers must expect to encounter boundary challenges in practice and be prepared to respond to them with ethical decision-making. Join Jacob D. Stone, ACSW, LSW (Ret.), for a refresher on the Code of Ethics (and more!) in this webinar on the ethical management of boundary challenges. Attendees will learn to pinpoint relevant sections of the Code, to utilize a problem-solving algorithm to resolve ethical dilemmas, and to understand the ways in which technology has created new categories and possibilities for boundary violations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the guidelines for ethical management of boundary challenges that are articulated in the NASW Code of Ethics, and understand how to use the Code to inform their ethical decision-making.
  • Identify the ethical principles that are inherent in any ethical dilemma, and the ways that tension between ethical principles mandates careful ethical decision-making.
  • Utilize a problem-solving algorithm to resolve ethical dilemmas.
  • Discuss both boundary crossings and boundary violations, and how to manage them ethically.
  • Describe the ways that new social media and communication technologies have created new categories and possibilities for boundary crossings and boundary violations.
  • Explain the critical importance of seeking consultation when dealing with an ethical dilemma
  • Describe the benefit and need for continual self-monitoring for possible boundary crossings or boundary violations

About the Presenter:

Jacob Stone, formerly on the faculty at the Marywood University School of Social Work in Pennsylvania and the social work program of the University of Alaska (Fairbanks), is retired after a half-century of practice as a direct service provider, nonprofit executive, consultant, field instructor, and teacher and trainer. He served for many years as chair of the ethics committee of NASW-PA, and during the past twenty years he has focused his work and study on professional ethics, providing training and consultation on ethics through NASW and diverse other settings. Jacob moved from Pennsylvania to Vermont six years ago, and in retirement has continued to provide training and ethics round table discussions through NASW-VT.

Workshop details:

  • A zoom link and materials will be emailed to you a few days before the workshop
  • An evaluation will be emailed to you after the workshop, CEU certificates will be emailed upon receipt of the evaluation
  • T here will be a 15 minute break at the midpoint
  • For any questions or technical issues or boundaries issues you would like to have as an example during the training, please email or text me - lynncstanley@gmail.com or 603.496.0994

P refer to pay by check? Send an email to DJ - djeski.naswnh@socialworkers.org so he can manually register you. Please send checks made out to NASW VT to NASW NH, 4 Chenell Drive #3, Concord NH 03301

  • We are committed to providing information and resources to help all social workers in their professional lives. We are able to do this because of NASW Members - membership dues are a major part of our Chapter's budget. If you are not a member, please consider becoming one today. When you become a member of NASW, you automatically become a member of your Chapter and help support our work.
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