Leveraging the Power of Teams: The Team as Secure Base Model
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3 CEs Approved by NASW VT #1129
NASW Vermont Chapter is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0683.
The Team as Secure Base Model, developed by Dr. Laura Biggart and her team at the University of East Anglia, draws from social workers’ experiences and their articulation of what helps create trust as a foundation for effective team working. This workshop will introduce the model, and provide opportunities for participants to reflect on how they can behave in a way to promote a secure base for their team across five different domains: availability, sensitivity, acceptance, cooperation, and team belonging. This workshop will include a tremendous amount of information about supervision and the supervisory roles in relation to this model and the importance of leveraging teams as a supervisor. The workshop is designed to be relevant to frontline staff and supervisors, and to include information for both lenses throughout.
Cassie Gillespie, LICSW is the Workforce Training Team Lead at the Vermont Child Welfare Training Partnership, and works as a trainer, consultant, and podcaster. She is also a part time faculty member at UVM’s Department of Social Work; and consults with immigration attorneys experiencing secondary trauma. Prior to joining VT-CWTP, Cassie worked in the field as a child welfare worker and has field experience working in housing, crisis response, & residential roles. She lives with her family in Underhill VT. Find Cassie & the VT-CWTP crew on their podcast Welcome to the Field.
Workshop Details:
- The workshop will begin at 8:45 am EST and end at 12:00 pm EST
- You will be sent a zoom link and any handouts prior to the workshop
- After the workshop you will be sent a link to the evaluation. You will be sent your certificate upon receipt of the completed evaluation form
- Want to pay by check? Email DJ - djeski.naswnh@socialworkers.org and send a check made out to NASW VT to NASW NH, 4 Chenell Drive #3, Concord NH 03301
- Questions? Email Lynn - lstanley.naswvt@socialworkers.org
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