NASW VT 2024 Conference

Josh Klapperick 0 386

Join NASW Vermont for two days of learning, sharing, and networking.

NASW VT 2024 Conference

November 14 & 15, 2024

Killington Grand Resort

12 CEs available for relicensure approved by NASW VT

NASW Vermont Chapter is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0683.

NASW NH 2024 Conference

Josh Klapperick 0 1034

NASW NH will be holding its fifth annual conference on May 23rd & 24th at the beautiful Mountain View Grand Resort in Whitefield, NH. Our goal is to provide a destination conference right here in New Hampshire with speakers and workshops that address the professional development needs of social workers and allied professionals in a variety of fields.

Concussions and Brain injury: Clinical Considerations

Josh Klapperick 0 269

Social workers encounter survivors of brain injury much more frequently than is typically presumed. Furthermore, many of the behaviors, cognitive and emotional states that may occur as a result of brain injury can be misdiagnosed and there is an unfortunate lack of knowledge among many behavioral health practitioners regarding the sequelae of brain injury. In this workshop we will attempt to discuss this incongruity in two ways: 1) what should practitioners be aware of in assessing whether their clients are survivors of brain injury and what steps may be taken to firmly ascertain whether that is the situation, and 2) what kinds of behaviors, cognitive or emotional situations a practitioner may encounter from brain injury survivors and how might one deal with them.

Essential Telehealth

Josh Klapperick 0 1013

The 20-hour, four module telehealth program will provide important information to bring mental health clinicians up to date on best practice guidelines, approaches, infrastructure and techniques for teleconferencing-based treatment. Additionally, this program will provide guidelines for best ethical decision-making processes to guide treatment decision making and establish a clear record of the ethical decision-making process to increase protection from liability and practice complaint issues while providing distance-based services.

Essential Telehealth

Josh Klapperick 0 1013

The 20-hour, four module telehealth program will provide important information to bring mental health clinicians up to date on best practice guidelines, approaches, infrastructure and techniques for teleconferencing-based treatment. Additionally, this program will provide guidelines for best ethical decision-making processes to guide treatment decision making and establish a clear record of the ethical decision-making process to increase protection from liability and practice complaint issues while providing distance-based services.


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