New Hampshire Special Populations

black man and child bumping elbows in masks

Since the COVID-19 Pandemic began, in early 2020, marginalized and vulnerable populations have been especially, adversely, impacted. NASW’s Connect to End COVID-19 initiative was launched to provide equitable training and outreach that promote informed vaccine decision-making on the part of social workers and their clients, particularly among those who are vulnerable, marginalized, and/or vaccine hesitant.

NASW-NH recognizes our potential to promote vaccine confidence across the state, encourage reluctant communities to become vaccinated, and provide valuable resources for our state. We encourage you to explore our Connect to End COVID-19 resources and find ways to encourage positive community health through vaccine promotion in our communities.

NH Vaccine DashboardSource: Vaccination Dashboard. State of New Hampshire. Vaccination. Retrieved 9/30/22 from

This image features three graphs of vaccination numbers in NH; one by age groups, one that shows the growth of numbers from Nov. 2020 to Nov. 2022, and one by town. 947,750 people in NH got the first two doses, but only 452,656 people got a booster.

Connect to end COVID-19, overlapping speech bubbles, social workers support informed vaccine decision making

NASW’s national Connect to End COVID-19 campaign, a CDC-funded initiative to support social workers and their clients in informed vaccine decision-making (2021-2024).

Learn about Connect to End COVID-19

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Black couple sitting across from black professional taking notes

COVID-19 Resources

Social workers support informed decision making about important healthcare choices, provide health information from credible sources, and address mental and behavioral health concerns arising as a result of this public health crisis.

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