Social Work Ads

Advertise to New Hampshire Social Workers

Reach over 4,000 social workers and allied professionals across NH with your employment opportunities, professional development programs, or office space availability

Email Blast

  • Have your ad reach the inbox of 4,000 social workers and allied professionals
    Rate: $75 per blast


  • Advertise a text based ad for 90 days
    Rate: $1 per word
  • Advertise a graphic on website for 60 days with your choice of page (excluding homepage)
    Rate: $100 Flat
  • Advertise a graphic on homepage for 60 days
    Rate $200 flat
    + $100 for a rotating gallery of 2-3 graphics

News & Updates

  • Have your ad in our monthly NASW NH Member News & Updates. (Only 5 ads total in each!)
    Rate: $200

Bundle and Save

  • Advertise a text-based ad on website for 90 days AND send one email blast to over 4,000 people.
    Rate: $150 flat 
  • Send one email blast and have your ad in News & Updates
    Rate: $250 flat 
  • Send one email blast, have your ad in our News & Updates, and have a 100 word ad on our website for 90 days
    Rate: $350 flat 

Ready to get started? Email!

Have other ideas to reach New Hampshire-based social workers? We'd love to hear them! Contact us to explore conference or networking sponsorships and other opportunities at

Publication of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement or approval of any product or service advertised, or any point of view, standard, or opinion presented therein. The National Association of Social Workers - New Hampshire Chapter is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in its publications.